Tuesday, August 12, 2008

No Longer Toothless

"You guys are funny!"
"I'm just trying to get some reading done here!"
"This is a good book."

So today Ellis woke up on the grumpy side of things and all day she refused to eat or even open her mouth. I was so frustrated by this afternoon that I couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. Then, I was laying on my back with Ellis on my stomach and she started to laugh. I looked up and, yep, saw her first tooth. It's sharp and white and coming through her bottom gums. Mostly, I was just relieved to figure out that Ellis was not turning into a different child altogether, she was just trying not to open her mouth! Of course, as a result of this, I don't have any pics of her new tooth but I'll post one when I can. Anyways, it's here. At this rate it feels like next week I'll be helping her fill out college applications!

1 comment:

The Blackmons said...

Yeah! I can't believe she has her 1st tooth! Congrats Ellis...you're a very big girl now!