Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Nonna and Cookie Time

"Hmmmm, not sure what to do with this."
"Oh, this tastes good. Where have these been?"
It looks like she's sucking her thumb, but really she's jamming the cookie in her mouth.
"Hey, I want more!"
Our little genius is trying to crawl and carry on a conversation at the same time!
Close-up of Ellis chewing on the string from her sweatshirt.
I still love the profile shot.
She loves her Nonna.
Hanging out with her Nonna. She's a professional when it comes to having her picture taken.

Some updates on Ellis:
1. She is not yet crawling, but she's really close. She can do a full body plank and hold it for more than 30 seconds. Then, she gets on all fours and moves backwards around the room. Almost there, and I'm dreading the childproofing stage.
2. She can now go from laying on her stomach to sitting up on her own.
3. She had her first taste of cookies today, and she loved them. We might not look alike, but she's definitely mine.
4. She currently has her first ear infection. She's on antibiotics now. So sad :(
5. She and Nonna have had a great time together, and she's going to miss her when she leaves tomorrow afternoon. But I have a sneaking suspicion that Nonna might just miss Ellis more!!!


Anonymous said...

She is just the cutest little girl I think I've ever seen!!

The Blackmons said...

Cute pics! Isn't it the sweetest thing to see them having their first cookie experience. It almost makes you feel guilty that they didn't get them before now. And congrats on the great strides she's making! I just said something similar about Baker trying to crawl too! Our little ones aren't so little anymore. Sad :o( And when you get the time, can you email me some toy ideas that you've found are good for this age. I always get so baffled at the store that I never leave with the right thing!