Happy Drool Girl

Playing in the waiting room

Reading books with daddy while we wait for the doctor

On the scale...

Making sure the nurse gets her weight right

Contemplating life

REALLY contemplating life...okay, she's actually crunching one of her freeze-dried peas.

Bobbing for peas

This made me laugh! She had this pea under her nose for a good five minutes before she realized it.

Last Friday was Ellis's 15 month check-up. She weighed in at 19lbs and 15 ounces, which I am very happily rounding up to 20 pounds! This means she is still in the 5th percentile, but it also means that we can turn her carseat around soon. I thought for sure she'd be TWO before we could do that! Anyways, she is also 32 inches long which was quite a growth spurt for her, putting her into the 75th percentile for length.
All in all, it was a good visit. We had decided to wait on the MMR until she was at least 18 months old but when we told our pediatrician that we are spending 10 days in Italy this summer, she strongly encouraged us to go ahead with it. I agreed, as long as it was the only shot she got that day, and so we hesitantly gave it to her. It's been 6 days since then, and I can happily say that she has been just fine so far. She had a mild fever after but that's pretty common with her and vaccinations. According to the pediatrician, a pretty severe rash can develop 7 to 12 days after getting the shot, so I'm praying that she doesn't get that in the next few days. Especially since her dedication at church is on Sunday!
I'm also posting a few more pictures of Ellis munching on those peas she has come to love. I especially love the super-serious face she makes whenever one of the peas is especially crunchy! So funny. Hope you enjoy the pictures.