Monday, June 29, 2009

Pictures I've been meaning to post...

Here are some photos that I've been meaning to post for a few weeks now. Our niece left about a week and a half ago but she's in these photos too because we took them while she was here. Most of these pics are of our trip to Kennebunkport, Maine but there are a few from Father's Day as well. Currently I am packing for our big anniversary trip to Lake Como, Italy. I can't believe that Vimal and I have been married for TEN YEARS! That's crazy to me, but also really exciting. Anyways, Ellis has the cutest passport in the whole world. I'll try to post pics of it soon, but I've been a little behind on posting (as you know) so we'll see if I get around to it.

Splashing in the FREEZING Atlantic
Nechelle and sand, a very good combination
She's trying to figure out how much trouble she can cause
Ne-Ne (that's what Ellis calls her)
Swinging with mommy
Ne-Ne and Ellis on the swings
Okay, seriously, a playground with this view? Amazing...
We ate dinner at our friend Susan's house. Delicious greens from her organic garden. Vimal was in heaven!
Ellis had a few things to tell Susan about her day
Wearing daddy's hat. Vimal took this pic Father's Day morning
Playing with her music table. Still wearing daddy's hat

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