Saturday, July 25, 2009

A..C..G (also known as A,B,C)

Ellis is becoming quite musical. In the car, she sings along to her favorite CD and when we say a melody to her she can repeat it almost exactly (except la, la, la which ALWAYS turns into ya, ya, ya). Anyways, she's starting to copy us a lot (which is exciting and scary at the same time, especially when I have a tendency to say bad words when I'm in Boston traffic). This is a video of Ellis singing the A,B,C's which is really more like the A,C,G's with her. She's also saying please "peas" and thank you "tank shoe" at the right times now. I didn't think it was possible to love her more than I did when she was a baby but, as a toddler, I love her more than ever! Hope this can sustain through the dreaded teenage period...

1 comment:

Danielle Decker said...

She is so awesome! more videos PEAS!!!!!