Saturday, June 28, 2008

Let them eat...Rice Cereal!

She was checking it out before the first bite
First Bite--a little apprehensive
"Hmmm...this isn't so bad!"
"I think I like it."
"Yep, I definitely like it."

Today was a big day in Ellis' life--her first taste of solid foods, rice cereal to be exact. We had thought about starting her on this earlier, at around 4 months, but our pediatrician wasn't fond of that idea and felt like it was a good idea to wait until between 5 and 6 months. So, today (a little past 5 months) was her first food experience. She took to it pretty well, though she was apprehensive at first. I'm posting a little video of her eating her first few bites. As you can see, a lot of the cereal ended up on her bib. Enjoy the pics and video (not sure what the background noise is).

1 comment:

The Blackmons said...

Yeah! Congrats Ellis on this big step! Isn't solid food fun? Ha! I think it will only get messier from here. That rice cereal is like paste on their face...ugh! I agree on waiting...we wanted to as well but our doc wanted us to start, probably b/c Baker is a giant! Ha! BTW, I love the laughing video. Absolutley hysterical! xx