Sunday, July 13, 2008

Our Week In Pictures

"I think I might cause a little trouble."
"This sitting up thing is kind of fun."
"But maybe I'll lean back for a minute.""I think I could do this sitting up thing all day."
"I think I fell over. Oh well, I'll just hang out here!"
"They finally gave me something sweet and I like it!"
"Mommy is funny."
"My parents have pretty lofty ideas for me."

This week we have been working on getting Ellis to sit up. She's actually doing quite well with it. She can sit for a few seconds, sometimes more, by herself before she either rolls forward or flops back. She gets excited about it, but that's probably just because she can tell how excited I am.
Also, after weeks of trying to get her to eat different types of solid foods, we finally conceded and gave her oat cereal mixed with pears. (We were hesitant about this because everything we've read said that once babies eat sweets they won't eat anything else. But since Ellis wasn't eating anything else to begin with, we really didn't have much to lose.) Anyways, she loved the pears so hopefully feeding her for the next few days won't be so much of a battle zone!

The bib was a gift from the Laboratory for Developmental studies at Harvard . Since I delivered at a Harvard affiliated hospital, they contacted us and asked if we'd be interested in having Ellis do a study. So last week Ellis and I went in and they had Ellis watch a video of two different types of music and videotaped her to see which type she responded to more. I guess they were testing to see if babies naturally respond to the type of music that prevails in the culture that they are born into rather than music from another culture. I didn't really understand the point of the study, but that's probably because it's Harvard and I'm not that bright :). Anyways, the whole study took five minutes, Ellis had a blast, then she got a new bib and we went on our merry way.

Hope you enjoy the pics!


Jess Edgerton said...

Oh my goodness - she is so unbelievably cute!!!!!!!!

mKla said...

She is *gorgeous*! I really hope you get to come in November so I can meet her! (and to see you and Vimal again after all these years, too :) )