Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Surprise visit from Pop!

Her hair is really long now, so I finally started putting it up into two ponytails. I giggled all day just looking at her.

This is her "I'm going to cause some trouble and you can't stop me" look.
Laughing at her Pop and playing with Jack.
Deep conversations with her Pop.
Pop snuggle time.
She was fascinated with Pop's guitar. She's definitely got the music gene.
Climbing into Pop's guitar case.
Her own private concert.
She's ready to play. Let's take this show on the road!

This past weekend, Ellis got to spend some quality time with her Pop (aka my dad). He was playing some concerts in the area and had a few days off, so he came to visit. Ellis is always so intrigued by his guitar, and she loves to hear him play. The two of them definitely enjoyed hanging out. He's leaving this morning, but we'll all be in Nashville in a week, so it won't be long until they see each other again. Which I think makes them both very happy.

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