Obviously I have been meaning to post pictures for quite awhile. So, here they are. These include pictures of our cutting down our Christmas tree, decorating it, Ellis opening her first Christmas present, and our first real snow in Boston for the winter. Enjoy!
The place where we went to cut down our tree had this train and Ellis loved it. She kept saying "Puff, puff, puff" because of the book "The Little Engine that Could."
Train ride + Apple Cider Donut = The Good Life
Daddy kisses
We found our tree
Trimming the bottom up. Ellis is helping, can't you tell!
Ellis woke up from her nap and it was completely decorated.
Not sure what was so funny to her but I love this face.
This is what a "child-friendly" tree looks like.
Our Christmas card photo. If you didn't get one, I apologize. I only bought 50 and we ran WAY short. Next year I definitely have to buy more!
Checking out herself in her hat.
Go Boston!
Matching hats
Hats make kissing quite difficult
Opening her first Christmas gift. She's very dainty so it took a while.
But soon enough she got into ripping the paper and starting enjoying it.
Still working
Yay, it's a shopping cart!
Playing with her new shopping cart, the next morning
One guess who picked out these new car slippers--if you said Vimal, good job!
About 8 inches of snow on the ground--a mere dusting by Boston standards.
Ellis loved staring at it and yelling "Sooooooo."
As you can see, she did this for quite a while.
Mornings with daddy = cashmere sweater + car slippers + learning to put her hands in her pockets.
This is a video of Ellis and daddy eating an apple cider donut on the "Puff, puff, puff."
Ellis trying to figure out what daddy is doing under that tree.