Friday, February 27, 2009

Walking--with Assistance

This is a video of Ellis "walking" with a pushcart at the Children's Museum. She is pushing everything around the house but refuses to walk independently so far. Anyways, you can tell from this video that the whole time she is pushing this thing around she is looking for something better to do. Towards the end she is about to give it up and crawl away, but then she spots daddy and takes off again. Too sweet...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Who knew how much fun a cup could be?

I have learned two things over the last year: Ellis loves water (drinking it, splashing in it, looking at it) and Ellis loves to be independent. That being said, here is a little picture story of my little girl being my little girl.

Ellis dug this cup out of the open cabinet that you see behind her.
Then she drug it over to me...
...waited impatiently as I filled it with water
...and tried very hard to drink it on her own.
Eventually I helped her get the water in her mouth...
...but she was so determined to drink it on her own that she took it back and did this.
"What? So maybe my shirt got a little wet, but it was still good."

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day and some other things...

Valentine's Day outfit. (Actually the vest and shirt were a Christmas gift from Pop.)
In stroller, going to daddy's work.
She had a lot to say to daddy once she saw him.
A rare occasion, watching TV (Duke vs Boston College, actually) with daddy.
Looking under the sofa for her basketball. I guess Duke inspired her.
"Mommy, where is my ball?"
She gets so excited about her bath. She's standing on her tiptoes and squealing to get in.

For Valentine's Day, Ellis and I took some cookies to Vimal's work and then had lunch with daddy. Everyone at Vimal's work just loves Ellis and she, of course, enjoys all the attention that she gets there. But don't worry, Vimal and I also had a babysitter that night and we were able to go out and celebrate Valentine's day together which was really nice.

For those of you that know us well, you are probably surprised to see a TV on in our house while Ellis is awake. The truth is we are trying to not let Ellis watch TV for at least the first two years of her life. However, we have made two exceptions to this rule: the inauguration of our 44th president and Duke basketball. Vimal is a huge Duke fan, always has been (though I know a few friends who read this who aren't going to like this fact) so whenever a good game or March madness comes around our no TV rule heads out the door. In truth, Ellis doesn't seem to care to watch the TV even when it is on, but she did sit in daddy's lap for a few minutes to cheer Duke on with him. But then, she was off, searching under the couch for her own basketball and wanting to play.

The last picture is of Ellis waiting to get in the bathtub. She LOVES bath time. Whenever she hears the water turn on she comes scrambling from wherever she is in the house and squeals to get in. It's really adorable. I love the picture of her, standing on her tiptoes and itching to jump in. Too funny...


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What sound does an Ellis make?

Okay, I know this video is really dark but I think it's worth it. Ellis' new favorite book is called "Doggies" by Sandra Boynton, where the doggies "woof" and so on. Anyways, the other day I was sitting with her in my lap looking out the window and I said, "Look Ellis, it's a doggie" as a dog walked by, and all of a sudden she started barking at it. I nearly cried from laughing as she just kept going and going. So, here she is, barking away. She also, by the way, has the hiccups in this video but you can tell when she's barking and when she's hiccuping. I'm such a proud mom that I want to show off her barking. Yea, yea...I know I need a hobby.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Splish-Splash (2 videos)

This afternoon Ellis and I went to the Children's Museum with our friends Lily (Esme's mom) and Kate (Claire's mom). Last time we went there, we spent the whole time in the baby/toddler area, but this time I decided to brave the water room. I knew that Ellis would love it, since she loves bath time so much, and I was right. As you can tell from the video, it didn't take long for her to figure out what to do. Luckily I had brought a change of clothes because she was soaked through to her skin by the end. But just look at her face! I was cringing just thinking about drying her off, but it was worth it. Oh, and as you can tell from her little interaction with Claire over a toy, she's starting to get more and more stubborn and determined. Great...13 is going to be a blast!

This video is of Ellis "splashing" around in the water bed designed for babies at the Children's Museum. I think she felt like she was actually in water. This video is only a few seconds long but she crawled out and back into this thing for more than 15 minutes. What can I say, she loves the feel of water. I can't wait for summer! (P.S. Sorry about the very end of this clip, I thought I had stopped it but it was still recording.)

Friday, February 6, 2009

One Year Check-Up

Standing up like a big girl and playing with a train set at the doctor's office
I'm thinking she might need her own rocking chair soon.
Getting ready to be weighed.
She was very excited about her weight. I, on the other hand, was not excited about her weight.
Waiting for the doctor.
She was so happy during her check-up. Until, of course, the shot part.
Trying to decide how she felt about the stethoscope on her back.
An odd, but informative, family shot.
On Wednesday, Ellis had her one year check-up at the pediatrician. The pediatrician was very happy with how much Ellis has grown and all that she is doing developmentally. After much soul searching and reading of materials, I decided to wait to give Ellis the MMR until she is two or starts daycare, whichever comes first. Luckily my pediatrician supported this, though as any good doctor would, she did warn against relying on the "herd immunity protection" as so many parents aren't getting their children vaccinated these days. I agree with her completely, when talking generalizations, but just wasn't ready to give Ellis the shot that so many parents feel is linked to autism. So, we will wait and pray that Ellis is safe from these diseases until we feel ready to vaccinate her. We have given her all the other shots on schedule, so I am at peace with this decision. In other big news, or not so big news as one would have it, Ellis weighed in at a whooping 18lbs 6ozs. I really wanted her to triple her birth-weight by the time she was one, so I was disappointed that this didn't happen (tripling her birth-weight would have meant she weighed 18lbs. 15ozs instead so we aren't that far off). She is 29.5 inches long. This puts her in the 10th percentile for weight and the 60th for height...just like her daddy!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Some things that Ellis enjoys...

Brushing her teeth. She likes the taste of the toothpaste (strawberry). Just look at that drool.
Brushing teeth is a very serious endeavor.
Every morning for breakfast she eats an english muffin with cream cheese.
She gets really excited about cream cheese.
Unrolling daddy's yoga mat
Practicing her "upward facing dog"
Doing "child's pose" with daddy.
Ellis loves splashing in the water.
Her face is totally covered in water but she couldn't care less.
Checking out the splashes in the mirror. Such a happy girl!

We had a pretty quiet week and weekend. Ellis is continuing to grow and surprise us. She has started saying "the bunny" though it sounds more like "da buni" which we are sure is Italian for something else entirely. She has also decided that reading is her favorite thing in the world. She will hold a book up at you and yell "EEEED" (which I'm guessing means read) until you take the book from her and do as commanded. This weekend alone Vimal and I estimate that we have read no less than 50 books to her (many of which were repeats, of course). Oh well, I guess there are worse things than having to read all day long. I will admit that I have almost all of her books memorized and often I just recite them to her while letting her flip the pages at random. Life is fun right now with Ellis. She's turning into such an interesting and fascinating little person and I'm enjoying every new stage.

Also, if you want to check out all the pictures from our photo shoot with Erica, you can visit and click on "client proofing" then enter the password "ellis". Please don't feel obligated to look, as there are over 200 photos there. And again, if you are in or around Boston and looking for a photographer, I would highly recommend Erica.