Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What sound does an Ellis make?

Okay, I know this video is really dark but I think it's worth it. Ellis' new favorite book is called "Doggies" by Sandra Boynton, where the doggies "woof" and so on. Anyways, the other day I was sitting with her in my lap looking out the window and I said, "Look Ellis, it's a doggie" as a dog walked by, and all of a sudden she started barking at it. I nearly cried from laughing as she just kept going and going. So, here she is, barking away. She also, by the way, has the hiccups in this video but you can tell when she's barking and when she's hiccuping. I'm such a proud mom that I want to show off her barking. Yea, yea...I know I need a hobby.

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