Saturday, March 29, 2008

10--It's the Magic Number!

She still looks good in purple...thanks for the outfit Nonna

Ruffle Tushie
Aerial View 2, with ruffles

Ellis turned 10 weeks old yesterday and when I weighed her she was right around 10 pounds. So, I've decided to list the top 10 things we love about Ellis (although there are, of course, more than 10).

10. The way she quacks like a duck while trying to suck her pacifier

9. The girly noises she makes after she eats

8. The cooing and storytelling she does after she wakes up

7. The way her hair gets really fuzzy and kissable after a bath

6. Her victory stance after beating daddy's swaddle and breaking free

5. The way her monkey length arms stretch out of all her 3 month outfits, making the long sleeves seem like 3/4 length sleeves (thanks a lot Daddy!)

4. The way she celebrates waking up from her naps by doing the running man

3. The way she dances when daddy does The Itsy Bitsy Spider remix

2. The way it feels to hold her while she sleeps on us

1. Her smile that lights up a room and makes the sleepless nights worthwhile


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Erin...I am so grateful that Ellis has the blessing of the kind of mother you are. Of all the things she is right now, most of all she is loved, safe and warm.
