Friday, May 2, 2008

No more counting by weeks, I promise!

I love her profile!
Supergirl~just look at that neck control people!
Supergirl close up!
With Jack~I sat him beside her and she grabbed for him herself
Sleeping in her new swing~SHE LOVES IT!

Ellis is fifteen weeks old today and I've decided that this is the last post that I will announce her age in weeks for...I mean, at this rate, I'll be posting something like "today Ellis turns 116 weeks old" and I really want to spare everyone that. This last week was a bit hard as we've started training her to nap during the day. Up until now, we've pretty much let her sleep whenever she wants, but as she nears four months old it's definitely time to change that. (Luckily night sleep has always gone well and she's still sleeping about 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. everyday!) I finally gave in and bought her a swing, which she easily falls asleep in during the day and then she gets moved to her crib. It's working so far. And, in the last week, she's begun grabbing for toys and getting her thumb in her mouth. She's growing so fast that I'm beginning to get a little sad about it. Not sad enough to think about having another one, but sad nonetheless. More soon...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ellis is heartbreakingly beautiful! Personally, I like the counting by weeks. It makes time go a little slower. I'm glad she's reaching for Jack. He sure reached for her in the beginning.
