Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Some insight into my little girl's personality...

Ellis and I went apple picking today. We almost didn't get to go because it's Tuesday, the day Vimal has the car for work, and I didn't want to ask any of my friends to pick me up or take me home. But, I really wanted to go so I finally asked. Of course I was immediately met with offers for a ride, so I put Ellis in the backseat of Kate's car (with her daughter Claire) and we drove off. It was nearing Ellis' naptime, but it wasn't naptime for Claire so a few minutes into the drive Claire started crying. Kate asked me to give Claire a "teething biscuit" so I handed it back to Claire and this seemed to satisfy her. However, a few minutes later, Claire started crying again and I went digging in her carseat for the lost biscuit. When I couldn't find it, Kate gave me another one to give to Claire and this seemed to remedy the solution once again. But a few minutes later Claire started crying again and Kate suggested we forget the teething biscuit and give Claire her pacifier. This seemed to do the trick for the rest of the ride so we were all happy in the car.

This whole time I couldn't see Ellis because she was behind me and Claire was in the middle seat. But Ellis was totally quiet and I could see that her feet weren't moving so I guessed that she must be sleeping. I have to admit that I was proud of my little one, glowing inside about how perfectly behaved she was in someone else's car. I'm sure my head swelled up a few sizes during the thirty minute drive. Finally we arrived at the apple orchard. Kate and I got out and, while I'm walking around the car, I notice that Ellis is awake, WIDE AWAKE, and double fisting BOTH of Claire's teething biscuits. I'm not sure if Claire passed them over, or if Ellis grabbed them, but her mouth was COVERED in brown cookie juice, her shirt was soaked with drool, and she had a look of guilty excitement on her face that was absolutely hilarious. And me, well in some twisted way, I was more proud of Ellis than ever. She's a resourceful little thing, and I don't think she'll ever not go out and get exactly what she wants. I love that about her! She's stubborn and willful and.........all mine! Of course, eventually, I'll have to reign it in but for now I just chuckle and enjoy every moment of her.

She was chewing on the evidence when I snapped this picture.
I can't help but think that she looks smug in this picture, with the biscuit still tightly grasped in her hand.
Poor Claire didn't stand a chance.
View of the apple trees in the orchard. What a gorgeous fall day!
Mommy and Ellis in front of a McIntosh apple tree.
Love this picture of Ellis gently feeling the apple tree.

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