Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sign Language

This is a video of Ellis signing for "more" and waving "bye-bye". When Ellis was younger we took her to a baby signing class but I didn't really feel like she had picked up on any of it. I kept trying and just recently she's starting signing "more", "water", "milk", "eat", "lights", and "all done". It's nice to have this way to communicate and I think it helps us both to not get frustrated with what she is asking for. Hope you enjoy the video but please excuse the really long part in the middle when she decides to take a water break...

1 comment:

The Blackmons said...

Such a cute video! It's so sweet to watch her sign. Baker has yet to do it and I think he's either refusing to, isn't interested, or just doesn't get it. I don't know but I get frustrated with it, daily, because I try so hard! If you have any tips for me, pass them along. He's done milk on an occassion and waves bye but other than that and pointing (a lot), that's about it. Maybe one of these days he'll bust the moves out! :o)