Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sleeping, Sneaking, and other Adventures

I finally caught a good picture of Ellis sleeping with her tushie up in the air. I love it!
Messy hair after a good nap.
I caught Ellis in the bathroom, playing with her bath toys behind the shower curtain. Have I mentioned how much she likes to take baths?
She thought it was funny when she got caught. Look at that smirk...
Giving the thumb to her new backpack.
Still checking it out with her thumb. I can't wait for the snow to melt some so we can go out for a walk.

Ellis is growing so fast and getting into everything. I'll be in the kitchen washing bottles or something and when I turn around Ellis has snuck out of the room. She loves closing doors, climbing up onto her chair, turning her humidifier on and off, playing with her bath toys, or digging through the bottom of my closet. It's fun to see her growing up and exploring, but I miss the days when she would always be right where I left her. As Spring approaches (though not too fast as we had 14 inches of snow on Monday), I look forward to all the things we are going to do--exploring the outdoors, going for walks in her new backpack, eating grass (come on, we all did it and survived), picnics, afternoons spent in the sun. I think it's going to be a wonderful Spring and Summer and I am excited to see Ellis really take it all in for the first time. I feel like right now her mind is a sponge and I can't wait to watch her soak up all the adventures to come...

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